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Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, 2nd Edition
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  • Title: Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, 2nd Edition
  • Author(s) Randal E. Bryant, David R. O'Hallaron
  • Publisher: Addison Wesley; 2 edition (February 14, 2010)
  • Permission: These documents are copyrighted by the authors and are being posted on this web page with the following understanding: "These documents are being made available to the public, subject to copyright provisions. You are free to copy and distribute it, but you should not use any of this material without attribution."
  • Hardcover/Paperback: 1080 pages
  • eBook: PDF Files
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10/ASIN: 0136108040
  • ISBN-13: 978-0136108047
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Book Description

Few students studying computer science or computer engineering will ever have the opportunity to build a computer system. On the other hand, most students will be required to use and program computers on a near daily basis.

This book introduces the important and enduring concepts that underlie computer systems by showing how these ideas affect the correctness, performance, and utility of application programs. The text's hands-on approach (including a comprehensive set of labs) helps students understand the 'under-the-hood' operation of a modern computer system and prepares them for future courses in systems topics such as compilers, computer architecture, operating systems, and networking.

About the Authors
  • Randal E. Bryant received the Bachelor's degree from the University of Michigan in 1973 and then attended graduate school at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, receiving the Ph.D. degree in computer science in 1981. He spent three years as an Assistant Professor at the California Institute of Technology and has been on the faculty at Carnegie Mellon since 1984. He is currently the President's Professor of Computer Science and head of the Department of Computer Science. He also holds a courtesy appointment with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
  • David R. O'Hallaron received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Virginia in 1986. After a stint at General Electric, he joined the Carnegie Mellon faculty in 1989 as a Systems Scientist. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Departments of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering.
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