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Functional C
Top Free C Programming Books 🌠 - 100% Free or Open Source!
  • Title: Functional C
  • Author(s) Pieter Hartel, Henk Muller
  • Publisher: Addison-Wesley; 1 edition (June 4, 1997)
  • Paperback: 456 pages
  • eBook: HTML and PDF (429 page, 14.05 MB) and Chapters
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10/ASIN: 0201419505
  • ISBN-13: 978-0201419504
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Book Description

This book teaches how to program in C, assuming that the student has already learnt how to formulate algorithms in a functional style. By using this as a starting point, the student will become a better C programmer, capable of writing programs that are easier to comprehend, maintain and that avoid common errors and pitfalls. All program code that appears in this book is available on our ftp server - see below. How to find a code fragment?

To access a particular code fragment, use the book to locate the section or subsection in which the code fragment appears, then click on that section in the code index . This will open the appropriate page at the beginning of the section. The code fragment may then be selected using the copy/paste facilities of your browser. Each chapter is represented by a separate page, so as an alternative to the procedure above you can use the save-as menu of your browser to up-load all code fragments in a particular chapter at once. Also available on our ftp server is errata for Functional C.

About the Authors
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