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LaTeX Tutorials: A Primer
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  • Title LaTeX Tutorials: A Primer
  • Author(s) E. Krishnan
  • Publisher: Indian TEX Users Group (2003)
  • License(s): GNU Free Documentation License
  • Paperback N/A
  • eBook PDF (155 pages, 982 KB)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

Packed with fully explained examples, LaTeX Tutorials: A Primer is a hands-on introduction quickly leading a novice user to professional-quality results.

If you are about to write mathematical or scientific papers, seminar handouts, or even plan to write a thesis, then this book offers you a fast-paced and practical introduction. Particularly during studying in school and university you will benefit much, as a mathematician or physicist as well as an engineer or a humanist.

Everybody with high expectations who plans to write a paper or a book will be delighted by this stable software.

The Basics; The Document; Bibliography; Bibliographic Databases; Table of contents, Index and Glossary; Displayed Text; Rows and Columns; Typesetting Mathematics; Typesetting Theorems; Several Kinds of Boxes; Floats; Cross References in LATEX; Footnotes, Marginpars, and Endnotes.

About the Authors
  • N/A
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