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Mathematics for the Physical Sciences
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  • Title: Mathematics for the Physical Sciences
  • Author(s) Herbert S. Wilf
  • Publisher: Dover Publications (February 24, 2006)
  • Paperback: 304 pages
  • eBook: PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10/ASIN: 0486450384
  • ISBN-13: 978-0486450384
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Book Description

This book provides a text for a first-year graduate level course in mathematical methods.

Advanced undergraduates and graduate students in the natural sciences will receive a solid foundation in several fields of mathematics with this text. Topics include vector spaces and matrices; orthogonal functions; polynomial equations; asymptotic expansions; ordinary differential equations; conformal mapping; and extremum problems. Includes exercises and solutions.

About the Authors
  • Herbert S. Wilf is the Thomas A. Scott Professor of Mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania. In 1998 he received the Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research, awarded by the American Mathematical Society, and in 1996 he was awarded the Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of mathematics.
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