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- Title: Network Coding: An Introduction
- Author(s) Tracey Ho, Desmond Lun
- Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1st edition; eBook (Final Draft)
- Paperback: 184 pages
- eBook: PDF
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 052187310X
- ISBN-13: 978-0521873109
Network Coding promises to significantly impact the way communications networks are designed, operated, and understood. The first book to present a unified and intuitive overview of the theory, applications, challenges, and future directions of this emerging field, this is a must-have resource for those working in wireline or wireless networking.
About the Authors- Tracey Ho is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the California Institute of Technology.
- Coding Theory
- Computer Networks and Data Communications
- Information Theory and Systems
- Cryptography and Cryptology
- Computer and Information Security
- Network Coding: An Introduction (Tracey Ho, et al.)
- The Mirror Site (1) - PDF
- The Mirror Site (2) - PDF
Information Theory and Network Coding (Raymond W. Yeung)
Provide a rigorous treatment of information theory for discrete and continuous systems and a comprehensive treatment of Network Coding theory with detailed discussions on linear network codes, convolutional network codes, and multi-source network coding.
Network Coding Theory (Raymond W. Yeung, et al)
This book provides a tutorial on the basic of network coding theory. It presents the material in a transparent manner without unnecessarily presenting all the results in their full generality.
Essential Coding Theory (Venkatesan Guruswami, et al)
This book introduces the reader to the theoretical foundations of error-correcting codes, with an emphasis on Reed-Solomon codes and their derivative codes. It describes Reed-Solomon codes and various decoding algorithms.
Error-Correction Coding and Decoding (Martin Tomlinson, et al)
This book discusses both the theory and practical applications of self-correcting data, commonly known as error-correcting codes. The applications included demonstrate the importance of these codes in a wide range of everyday technologies.
Coding Theory: A First Course (Henk C.A. van Tilborg)
Coding Theory is concerned with successfully transmitting data through a noisy channel and correcting errors in corrupted messages. This book provides a thoroughly modern introduction to coding theory.
Coding Theory and Cryptography: From Enigma to Quantum Theory
This book concerns elementary and advanced aspects of coding theory and cryptography. Deal mostly with algebraic coding theory and some mathematical aspects of the Enigma rotor machine and quantum cryptography are described.
Python and Coding Theory (David Joyner)
This is the lecture notes for a course on Python and coding theory designed for students who have little or no programmig experience. You will learn some of the Python computer programming language and selected topics in coding theory.