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PowerShell Networking Guide
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  • Title PowerShell Networking Guide
  • Author(s) Ed Wilson
  • Publisher: Leanpub (2016) and GitBooks
  • License(s): CC BY-ND 3.0
  • ebook HTML
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

Windows PowerShell is an essential admin tool designed specifically for Windows administration. This guide helps you understand how PowerShell can be used to manage the networking aspects of your server and client computers.

Created by Microsoft's "The Scripting Guy", Ed Wilson, this guide helps you understand how PowerShell can be used to manage the networking aspects of your server and client computers.

About the Authors
  • Ed Wilson is the Microsoft Scripting Guy and a well-known scripting expert. He writes the twice daily Hey Scripting Guy! blog (the number 1 blog on TechNet). He is a Microsoft-certified trainer who has delivered a popular Windows PowerShell workshop to Microsoft Premier Customers worldwide.
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