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Probability, Geometry and Integrable Systems
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  • Title Probability, Geometry and Integrable Systems
  • Author(s) Mark Pinsky and Björn Birnir
  • Publisher: Cambridge University Press; Reissue edition (February 17, 2011)
  • Hardcover 428 pages
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10/ASIN: 0521175402
  • ISBN-13: 978-0521175401
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Book Description

The three main themes of this book, probability theory, differential geometry, and the theory of integrable systems, reflect the broad range of mathematical interests of Henry McKean, to whom it is dedicated. Written by experts in probability, geometry, integrable systems, turbulence, and percolation, the seventeen papers included here demonstrate a wide variety of techniques that have been developed to solve various mathematical problems in these areas. The topics are often combined in an unusual and interesting fashion to give solutions outside of the standard methods. The papers contain some exciting results and offer a guide to the contemporary literature on these subjects.

About the Authors
  • Mark Pinsky is Professor of Mathematics at Northwestern University
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