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R Succinctly
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  • Title: R Succinctly
  • Author(s) Barton Poulson
  • Publisher: Syncfusion Inc. (2014)
  • Paperback: N/A
  • eBook: PDF (128 pages, 3.9 MB)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

Begin developing your mastery of the powerful R programming language. Become comfortable with the R environment and learn how to find ways for R to fulfill your data needs. With author Barton Poulson as your guide, you will soon be making use of this flexible, unparalleled tool. Unprecedented control of your data is within your grasp!

Analyzing your data is vital for success. Begin mastering statistical analysis with R Succinctly.

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