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Spectral Geometry of Partial Differential Operators
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  • Title: Spectral Geometry of Partial Differential Operators
  • Author(s) Michael Ruzhansky, Makhmud Sadybekov, Durvudkhan Suragan
  • Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC (February 17, 2020); eBook (Creative Commons Licensed)
  • License(s): Creative Commons License (CC)
  • Hardcover: 378 pages
  • eBook: PDF and ePub
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1138360716
  • ISBN-13: 978-1138360716
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Book Description

The aim of Spectral Geometry of Partial Differential Operators is to provide a basic and self-contained introduction to the ideas underpinning spectral geometric inequalities arising in the theory of partial differential equations.

About the Authors
  • Michael Ruzhansky is a Senior Full Professor of Mathematics at Ghent University, Belgium, and a Professor of Mathematics at the Queen Mary University of London, United Kindgdom.
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