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Starting Forth: An Introduction to the Forth Language and Operating System
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  • Title: Starting Forth: An Introduction to the Forth Language and Operating System
  • Author(s) Leo Brodie
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall; 2 edition (January 1987); eBook (, 2003)
  • Paperback: 364 pages
  • eBook: HTML, and PDF files
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0138430799
  • ISBN-13: 978-0138430795
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Book Description

This book is a user-friendly beginner's tutorial on the Forth programing language and operating system.

For beginners and professionals, this popular and complete introduction to FORTH syntax has been expanded to include the new FORTH-83 Standard. It is suitable for all FORTH-83 Standard systems and is a complete guide to learning FORTH with special footnotes that address FORTH-79, MVP-FORTH and FIG-FORTH versions.

About the Authors
  • Leo Brodie is the author of Starting Forth and Thinking Forth. He is currently employed as Director of Technical Services for NetSpeed Learning Solutions in Seattle. He is married and the father of three children. He has released a CD of his own music called "Across The Years", available here on Amazon.
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    This primer was written in the hope that it will be useful and that starting Forthers aren't put off by the high price of Forth textbooks. It is dedicated to Leo Brodie, who taught me much more than just Forth.

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