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- Title: The C# Yellow Book
- Author(s) Rob Miles
- Publisher: Independently published (2018); eBook (University of Hull, 2015)
- Hardcover/Paperback: 222 pages
- eBook: PDF and Kindle
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1728724961
- ISBN-13: 978-1728724966
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Learn C# from first principles the Rob Miles way. With jokes, puns, and a rigorous problem solving based approach.
This book offers several hands-on labs along the way to help you build and test programs using skills you've learned up to that point. In the final lab, you'll put everything together. From objects to garbage collection and from exceptions to interactions, you'll learn C# in a way that engages and entertains your brain.
If you have not programmed before, do not worry. Programming is not rocket science it is, well, programming. The bad news about learning to program is that you get hit with a lot of ideas and concepts at around the same time when you start, and this can be confusing. The keys to learning programming are:
- Practice - do a lot of programming and force yourself to think about things from a problem solving point of view
- Study - look at programs written by other people. You can learn a lot from studying code which other folk have created. Figuring out how somebody else did the job is a great starting point for your solution. And remember that in many cases there is no best solution, just ones which are better in a particular context, i.e. the fastest, the smallest, the easiest to use etc.
- Persistence - writing programs is hard work. And you have to work hard at it. The principle reason why most folks don't make it as programmers is that they give up. Not because they are stupid. However, don't get too persistent. If you haven't solved a programming problem in 30 minutes you should call time out and seek help. Or at least walk away from the problem and come back to it. Staying up all night trying to sort out a problem is not a good plan. It just makes you all irritable in the morning. We will cover what to do when it all goes wrong later in these notes.
- Rob Miles is a professor of the Department of Computer Science in the University of Hull

- The C# Yellow Book (Rob Miles)
- The Mirror Site (1) - PDF
- The Mirror Site (2) - PDF
- The Mirror Site (3) - PDF
C# Programming from Zero to Proficiency (Beginner)
This book is the only one that will get you to learn C# fast without wasting so much time. It includes four chapters that painlessly teach you the necessary skills to master C# and to create your first apps.
Thinking in C# (Larry O'Brien, et al)
This book gives a good start and Complete introduction for C# Programming for Beginner’s. Written in the proven style of Eckel's award winning Thinking In Java! Reading this book it is fun and easy to read it.
C# 11 Programming Essentials (Neil Smyth)
Whether you are a first-time programmer or an experienced coder wanting to learn C#, this is the book for you. It is designed to get you programming quickly by explaining core concepts and providing the essential code needed.
Dissecting a C# Application (Christian Holm, et al)
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Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C# (Svetlin Nakov)
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Developing on AWS with C#: Using C# to Build Apps on the AWS
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C# Essentials (Neil Smyth)
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Essential C# (Krzysztof Kowalczyk)
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Object Oriented Programming using C# (Simon Kendal)
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Under the Hood of .NET Memory Management (Chris Farrell)
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Programmer's Heaven C# School Book (Faraz Rasheed, et al)
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C# 1: Introduction to programming and the C# language
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C# Programming (Wikibooks)
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Threading in C# (Joseph Albahari)
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