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The Future of Software Quality Assurance
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  • Title The Future of Software Quality Assurance
  • Author(s) Stephan Goericke
  • Publisher: Springer (November 19, 2019); eBook (Creative Commons Edition)
  • License(s): CC BY 4.0
  • Hardcover/Paperback 230 pages
  • eBook PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10/ASIN: 3030295109/B081R8TC11
  • ISBN-13: 978-3030295103
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Book Description

This open access book Highlights the state of the art in software testing, as well as future challenges and trends, covers current and emerging technologies like test automation, DevOps, and artificial intelligence methodologies used for software testing.

About the Authors
  • Stephan Goericke has been managing director of the International Software Quality Institute (iSQI) since 2005.
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