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Test-Driven iOS Development - Gimme The Code
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  • Title: Test-Driven iOS Development - Gimme The Code
  • Author(s) Dominik Hauser
  • Publisher: Leanpub
  • Hardcover/Paperback: N/A
  • eBook: PDF, ePub, etc.
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 178588073X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1785880735
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Book Description

Test-driven development (TDD) is a proven way to find software bugs early. Writing tests before your code improves the structure and maintainability of your app.

Test-driven iOS Development with Swift will help you understand the process of TDD and how it impacts your applications written in Swift. Through practical, real-world examples, you'll start seeing how to implement TDD in context. We will begin with an overview of your TDD workflow and then deep-dive into unit testing concepts and code cycles. We will showcase the workings of functional tests, which will help you improve the user interface. Finally, you will learn about automating deployments and continuous integration to run an environment.

  • Learn test-driven principles to help you build apps with fewer bugs and better designs
  • Become more efficient while working with Swift to move on to your next project faster!
  • Learn how to incorporate all of the principles of test-driven development (TDD) in to your daily programming workflow
About the Authors
  • Dominik builds iOS apps since 2009. He wrote a book about Test-Driven iOS Development with Swift for beginners. When he is not programming he is searching for pirate treasures with his kids.
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