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The Little Book of Semaphores: The Ins and Outs of Concurrency Control and Common Mistakes
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  • Title: The Little Book of Semaphores: The Ins and Outs of Concurrency Control and Common Mistakes
  • Author(s) Allen B. Downey
  • Publisher: CreateSpace; 2 edition (March 20, 2009); eBook (Green Tea Press, 2016)
  • License(s): CC BY-NC 4.0
  • Paperback: 294 pages
  • eBook: PDF (291 pages), ePub, etc.
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1441418687
  • ISBN-13: 978-1441418685
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Book Description

This textbook introduces the principles of synchronization for concurrent programming. In most computer science curricula, synchronization is a module in an Operating Systems class. OS textbooks present a standard set of problems with a standard set of solutions, but most students don't get a good understanding of the material or the ability to solve similar problems.

The book covers the classical problems, including "Readers-writers," "Producer-consumer", and "Dining Philosophers." In addition, it collects a number of not-so-classical problems, some written by the author and some by other teachers and textbook writers. Readers are invited to create and submit new problems.

About the Authors
  • Allen B. Downey is an American computer scientist who is currently working as a Staff Scientist at DrivenData.
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