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Train Your Brain: Build a Framework for Clear Thinking
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  • Title Train Your Brain: Build a Framework for Clear Thinking
  • Author(s) William Dodd
  • Publisher: Smashwords 2012
  • Hardcover N/A
  • eBook PDF, ePub, and MOBI (Kindle)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10/ASIN: N/A
  • ISBN-13: 978-1476436876
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Book Description

This book will help you build a mental framework for clear thinking.

The basic anatomy of the brain is presented as a three level structure, each level with its own memories, skills, and knowledge. Strategies are summarized for learning, for managing memories, and for problem solving. The scientific method is presented as a prime example of clear thinking.

Models of memory and conscious thought are developed and then utilized in a variety of practical applications. The importance of a consistent and integrated philosophy of life is emphasized.

With daily practice you can build your skills in clear thinking, and become a more productive and happier person.

Clear Thinking consists of three systematic activities:

  1. Gathering the best information available.
  2. Applying the best strategies for analyzing that information.
  3. Using the most powerful part of your brain to solve problems and make decisions.
About the Authors
  • N/A
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