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Web Services Books HTML and XHTML Books
XML - Managing Data Exchange (Wikibooks)
XML WebServices and SOAP (Vikram Ramchand, Sonal Mukhi)
Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath ©2011 (G. Ken Holman)
A Technical Introduction to XML (Norman Walsh)
Programming XML with C# ©2011 (Mahesh Chand) WML and WML Script ©2004 (Vijay Mukhi)
O'Reilly® DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide ©2010 (Norman Walsh, Richard Hamilton)
O'Reilly® SVG Essentials ©2002-2008 (J. David Eisenberg) 364 pages
Learn SVG: The Web Graphics Standard ©2002-2008 (Jon Frost, Stefan Goessner and Michel Hirtzler)
XML - Architecture, Tools & Techniques ©2007 (Axel-Tobias Schreiner) [Homepage]
Open XML - The Markup Explained ©2007 (Wouter van Vugt) XSLT 1.0 Tutorial (Dan Olteanu)
OASIS OpenDocument Essentials ©2006 (J. David Eisenberg) 303 pages
O'Reilly® DocBook: The Definitive Guide, 1st Edition ©1999-2006 (Norman Walsh, Richard Hamilton)
DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide, 3rd Edition ©2005 (Bob Stayton) 560 pages
RSS and Atom: Understanding and Implementing Content Feeds and Syndication ©2005 (Heinz Wittenbrink)
Sams Teach Yourself XML in 21 Days ©2003 (Steven Holzner)
Real world XML Web services: for VB and VB.NET developers ©2003 (Yasser Shohoud)
O'Reilly® XForms Essentials ©2003 (Micah Dubinko) 232 pages
XForms: XML Powered Web Forms ©2003 (T. V. Raman) 304 pages
O'Reilly® Xpath and Xpointer: Locating Content in XML Documents ©2002 (John E. Simpson) 208 pages
O'Reilly® Programming Jabber: Extending XML Messaging ©2002 (DJ Adams)
Processing XML with Java: A Guide to SAX, DOM, JDOM, JAXP ©2002 (Elliotte Rusty Harold)
Essential XML Quick Reference: A Programmer's Reference to XML, XPath, XSLT, SOAP, and More ©2001
XML by Examples ©2001 (Benoit Marchal) 512 pages
Developing SGML DTDs: From Text to Model to Markup ©1995 (Eve Maler/Jeanne El Andaloussi)
Developer's Guide to Building XML Based Web Services with J2EE
Microsoft DOM Objects Reference Introduction to XForms (Chris Herborth) [Part 2]
A Technical Introduction to XML (N. Walsh) An Introduction to XML and Web Technologies
XML and Web Services Reference Guide (N. Chase) A Gentle Introduction to XML
XML-RPC HOWTO (E. Kidd) XML Chapters
XML Web Services and SOAP XML Schema Definition (XSD)
A Query Language for XML XML Query Language (XQL)
XUL Programmer's Reference Manual XUL Tutorial and Reference (Neil Deakin)
XML Tutorial [Another] [Another] [Another] [Another] Working with XML
Introduction to XML Extensible Markup Language (XML)
XML and Databases Introduction to XML for Web Developers
The XML Files: Using XML for B2B and B2C Applications Groud Zero XML Tutorial
Transferring Data Between XML Documents and Relational Ratabases
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