Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) - Free Computer, Programming, Mathematics, Technical Books, Lecture Notes and Tutorials
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Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
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Web Services Books Enterprise Java and Web Services Books
Agile and Extreme Programming (XP) Books Software Engineering Principles and Practices Books
Web Service and SOA Technologies ©2009 (Glenn Hostetler, Sandor Hasznos) 208 pages
SOA Source Book ©2009 (The Open Group) 110 pages
SOA Adoption for Dummies ©2009 (Miko Matsumura, Bjoern Brauel, Jignesh Shah) 100 pages
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) For Dummies, 2nd IBM Limited Edition. ©2009 (IBM)
An Implementor's Guide to Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) ©2008 (David Besemer, et al)
BPM Basics For Dummies, Software AG Special Edition ©2008 (Wiley Publishing, Inc.) 78 pages
Software Security Models for Service-Oriented Programming (SOP) Platforms ©2008 (Pierre Parrend)
SOA and WS-BPEL ©2007 (Yuli Vasiliev) 316 pages
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) in the Real World ©2007 (Microsoft) 196 pages [Errata]
Enterprise SOA Adoption Strategies ©2006 (Steve Jones) 152 pages
Patterns: SOA Foundation Service Connectivity Scenario ©2006 (IBM Redbooks) 724 pages
Patterns: SOA Foundation - Business Process Management Scenario ©2006 (IBM Redbooks) 502 pages
Managing Information Access to an Enterprise Information System Using J2EE and SOA ©2005 (IBM Redbooks)
Enterprise SOA: Service-Oriented Architecture Best Practices ©2004 (Dirk Krafzig, Karl Banke, Dirk Slama)
Patterns: SOA Foundation - Business Process Management Scenario ©2004 (IBM Redbooks) 380 pages
SOA eBook: Patterns, Mashups, Governance, Service Modeling, and More, 280 pages, PDF (11 MB)
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