HTML, HTML5, XHTML, and DHTML - Free Computer, Programming, Mathematics, Technical Books, Lecture Notes and Tutorials
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Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) Books JavaScript Books
XML and XSL Books PHP (Personal Home Pages) Programming Books
Web Design and Publishing Books Web Programming Books
HTML Canvas Deep Dive ©2012 (Josh Marinacci)  
Programming Windows 8 Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript ©2012 (Kraig Brockschmidt)
O'Reilly® Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, 2nd Edition ©2012 (Jonathan Stark)
O'Reilly® What Is HTML5? A New Way to Look at the Web ©2011 (Brett McLaughlin)
O'Reilly® Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript ©2010 (Jonathan Stark)
O'Reilly® Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript ©2010 (Jonathan Stark) 224 pages
O'Reilly® HTML5: Up and Running ©2010 (Mark Pilgrim)
O'Reilly® Dive Into HTML5 ©2010 (Mark Pilgrim)
The Web Book: the Ultimate Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL ©2010
HTML Code Tutorial [Mirror] HTML Source: HTML Tutorials
HTML Dog: The Best-Practice Guide to XHTML and CSS ©2006 (Patrick Griffiths)
O'Reilly® XForms Essentials ©2003 (Micah Dubinko) 232 pages
XForms: XML Powered Web Forms ©2003 (T. V. Raman) 304 pages
O'Reilly® Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason ©2002 (Dave Rolsky, Ken Williams)
O'Reilly® HTML and XHTML: The Definitive Guide ©2000 (Chuck Musciano, Bill Kennedy)
Writing HTML: a Tutorial to Create Web Pages ©2000 (MCLI, Alan Levine) [Mirror]
Sams Teach Yourself HTML 4 in 24 Hours ©1999 (Dick Oliver)
Gecko DOM Reference XHTML Reference
Dynamic Duo: Cross-Browser Dynamic HTML HTML and Dynamic HTML
HTML Tutorial [Another] [Another] [Another] Introduction to Web Design [Mirror]
Introduction to XForms (Chris Herborth) [Part 2] Beginner's Guide to DHTML[Mirror]
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