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- Title: Creating Games in C++: A Step-by-Step Guide
- Author(s) David Conger, Ron Little
- Publisher: New Riders Games; Pap/Cdr edition (February 1, 2007)
- Paperback: 464 pages
- eBook: PDF
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0735714347
- ISBN-13: 978-0735714342
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Do you love video games? Ever wondered if you could create one of your own, with all the bells and whistles? It's not as complicated as you'd think, and you don't need to be a math whiz or a programming genius to do it. In fact, everything you need to create your first game, "Invasion of the Slugwroths", is included in this book and CD-ROM.
Author David Conger starts at square one, introducing the tools of the trade and all the basic concepts for getting started programming with C++, the language that powers most current commercial games. Plus, he's put a wealth of top-notch (and free) tools on the CD-ROM, including the Dev-C++ compiler, linker, and debugger--and his own LlamaWorks2D game engine.
Step-by-step instructions and ample illustrations take you through game program structure, integrating sound and music into games, floating-point math, C++ arrays, and much more. Using the sample programs and the source code to run them, you can follow along as you learn.
About the Authors-
David Conger has extensive experience (been programming professionally for over 23 years) in software and game development for clients such as American Laser Games and Microsoft. He has written numerous computer books (including The Complete Idiot's Guide to C# Programming) and extensive software documentation.
Along with countless custom business applications, he has written several PC and online games. Conger also worked on graphics firmware for military aircraft, and taught computer science at the university level for four years. Conger has written numerous books on C, C++, and other computer-related topics. He lives in western Washington State and has also published a collection of Indian folk tales.

- Creating Games in C++: A Step-by-Step Guide (David Conger, Ron Little)
- The Mirror Site (1) - PDF
- The Mirror Site (2) - PDF
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