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Creating your MySQL Database: Practical Design Tips and Techniques
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  • Title: Creating your MySQL Database: Practical Design Tips and Techniques
  • Author(s) Marc DeLisle
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing (November 25, 2006)
  • Permission: Read for Free Provided by the Publisher (Packt)
  • Paperback: 108 pages
  • eBook: PDF
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: 1904811302
  • ISBN-13: 978-1904811305
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Book Description

Creating your MySQL Database: Practical Design Tips and Techniques: A short guide for everyone on how to structure your data and set-up your MySQL database tables efficiently and easily.

If you're creating a dynamic web application using open-source tools, then you're probably going to be setting up a MySQL database. Getting the design of this database right for your application and its data is vital, but it's often an intimidating and little-known process for non-developers and developers alike.

Written by the creator of the popular phpMyAdmin tool, this book is a short but complete guide on how to design good data structures for MySQL. Anyone working with applications that use a MySQL database backend will benefit greatly from the advice and techniques in this book. Although a working knowledge of both SQL and MySQL is assumed, the book is suitable for both beginners and intermediate users alike. Whether you read it through and absorb the advice or work through it on a live project, the efficiency and maintainability of your databases will certainly improve as a result.

For most of us, setting up the database for an application is often an afterthought. While you don't need to be a professional database designer to create a working application, knowing a few insider tips and techniques can make both the process easier and the end result much more effective. This book doesn't set out to make you an expert in data analysis, but it does provide a quick and easy way to raise your game in this essential part of getting your application right!

About the Authors
  • Marc Delisle is a member of the MySQL Developers Guild - which regroups community developers - because of his involvement with phpMyAdmin. He started to contribute to this popular MySQL web interface in December 1998, when he made the first multi-language version. He has been actively involved with the phpMyAdmin project since May 2001 as a developer and project administrator.
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