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Document Image Analysis
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  • Title: Document Image Analysis
  • Author(s) Lawrence O'Gorman, Rangachar Kasturi
  • Publisher: IEEE Computer Society (2009)
  • Hardcover/Paperback: ???
  • eBook: PDF (125 pages), ePub, Kindle, etc.
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0818665475
  • ISBN-13: 978-0818665479
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Book Description

Optical character recognition and document image analysis have become very important areas with a fast growing number of researchers in the field. This comprehensive handbook with contributions by eminent experts, presents both the theoretical and practical aspects at an introductory level wherever possible.

This book describes some of the technical methods and systems used for document processing of text and graphics images. The methods have grown out of the fields of digital signal processing, digital image processing, and pattern recognition.

The objective is to give the reader an understanding of what approaches are used for application to documents and how these methods apply to different situations. Since the field of document processing is relatively new, it is also dynamic, so current methods have room for improvement, and innovations are still being made. In addition, there are rarely definitive techniques for all cases of a certain problem.

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