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Computer Vision, Machine Vision, and Image Processing
Related Book Categories:
  • Deep Learning and Neural Networks

    A collection of books related to Deep Learning and Neural Networks, including (but not limited to): Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN, or ConvNet), GANs, etc.

  • Linear Algebra for Computer Vision, Robotics, and Machine Learning

    This book provides the mathematical fundamentals of linear algebra to practicers in computer vision, machine learning, robotics, applied mathematics, and electrical engineering.

  • Photonic Neural Networks with Spatiotemporal Dynamics

    This book offers novel multidisciplinary viewpoints on photonic neural networks, illustrating in three types of computing methodologies: fluorescence energy transfer computing, spatial-photonic spin system, and photonic reservoir computing.

  • Nanoscale Photonic Imaging (Tim Salditt, et al.)

    This book provides a broad overview of advanced photonic methods for nanoscale visualization, as well as describing a range of fascinating in-depth studies. Introductory chapters cover the most relevant physics and basic methods.

  • Medical Imaging Systems: An Introductory Guide

    A complete and comprehensive introduction to the fields of medical imaging systems, as designed for a broad range of applications. First explain the foundations of system theory and image processing, before highlighting several modalities.

  • Pattern Recognition, Tracking and Vertex Reconstruction

    This open access book is a comprehensive review of the methods and algorithms that are used in the reconstruction of events recorded by past, running and planned experiments at particle accelerators such as the LHC, SuperKEKB and FAIR.

  • Machine Vision: Automating Process and Quality Improvements

    This guide is an essential overvew for anyone who would like to understand the techniques for Machine Vision analysis, including systems for industrial inspection, biomedical analysis, and much more.

  • Distant Viewing: Computational Exploration of Digital Images

    This book presents a new theory and methodology for the application of computer vision methods to the computational analysis of collected, digitized visual materials, called “distant viewing”.

  • Plenoptic Imaging and Processing (Lu Fang)

    This open access book delves into the fundamental principles and cutting-edge techniques of plenoptic imaging and processing. Plenoptic imaging aims to detect and reconstruct multidimensional and multiscale information from light rays in space.

  • Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, Second Edition

    This book explores the variety of techniques used to analyze and interpret images. It also describes challenging real-world applications where vision is being successfully used, both in specialized applications as well as for fun, consumer-level tasks.

  • Computer Vision Metrics: Survey, Taxonomy, and Analysis

    This book provides an extensive survey and analysis of over 100 current and historical feature description and machine vision methods, with a detailed taxonomy for local, regional and global features.

  • Developing Graphics Frameworks with Python and OpenGL

    It shows you how to create software for rendering complete three-dimensional scenes, explains the foundational theoretical concepts as well as the practical programming techniques that will enable you to create your own animated and interactive worlds.

  • Computer Vision: Models, Learning, and Inference (Simon Prince)

    The book starts from the basics of probability and model fitting and works up to real examples that the reader can implement and modify to build useful vision systems. The detailed methodological presentation is useful for practitioners of computer vision.

  • Programming Computer Vision with Python: Tools and Algorithms

    This book is a hands-on introduction to computer vision using Python. It gives an easily accessible entry point to hands-on computer vision with enough understanding of the underlying theory and algorithms to be a foundation for students, researchers.

  • Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications (Richard Szeliski)

    This book explores the variety of techniques commonly used to analyze and interpret images. It also describes challenging real-world applications such as medical imaging and fun consumer-level tasks such as image editing and stitching, etc.

  • Numerical Algorithms: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, etc.

    This book presents a new approach to numerical analysis for modern computer scientists, covers a wide range of topics - from numerical linear algebra to optimization and differential equations - focusing on real-world motivation and unifying themes.

  • Computer Vision (Xiong Zhihui)

    This book presents computer vision on application of robotics, and on advanced approachs for computer vision (such as omnidirectional vision), research on RFID technology integrating stereo vision to localize an indoor mobile robot, etc.

  • Computer Vision (Dana H. Ballard, et al)

    This book is the construction of explicit, meaningful descriptions of physical objects from images. Image understanding is very different from image processing, which studies image-to-image transformations, not explicit description building.

  • Mastering OpenCV 4: Computer Vision & Image Processing Apps

    This book targets computer vision engineers taking their first steps toward mastering OpenCV. Keeping the mathematical formulations to a solid but bare minimum, it delivers complete projects from ideation to running code, targeting current hot topics, etc.

  • Modern Robotics with OpenCV (Widodo Budiharto)

    This book is written to provide an introduction to intelligent robotics using OpenCV. It gives you a firm grounding in computer vision and OpenCV for building simple or sophisticated Robotics applications.

  • Handbook of Digital Face Manipulation and Detection

    This open access book provides the first comprehensive collection of studies dealing with the hot topic of digital face manipulation such as DeepFakes, Face Morphing, or Reenactment. It combines the both biometrics and media forensics fields.

  • Portraits of Automated Facial Recognition (Lila Lee-Morrison)

    Automated facial recognition algorithms are increasingly intervening in society. This book offers a unique analysis of these algorithms from a critical visual culture studies perspective.

  • Multimedia Forensics (Husrev Taha Sencar, et al)

    Media forensics has never been more relevant to societal life. This book presents a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art forensics capabilities that relate to media attribution, integrity and authenticity verification, and counter forensics.

  • Digital Video Concepts, Methods, and Metrics (S. Akramullah)

    This book is a concise reference for professionals in a wide range of applications and vocations. It focuses on giving the reader mastery over the concepts, methods and metrics of digital video coding.

  • Brain, Vision and AI (Cesare Rossi)

    The aim of this book is to provide new ideas, original results and practical experiences regarding service robotics. This book provides only a small example of this research activity, but it covers a great deal of what has been done in the field recently.

  • AI Art: Machine Visions and Warped Dreams (Joanna Zylinska)

    The book critically examines artworks that use AI, be it in the form of visual style transfer, algorithmic experiment or critical commentary. It also engages with their predecessors, including robotic art and net art.

  • Machine Vision (Ramesh Jain, et al.)

    This text is intended to provide a balanced introduction to Machine Vision. Basic concepts are introduced with only essential mathematical elements. Intentionally omits theories of machine vision that do not have sufficient practical applications at this time.

  • Machine Vision: Applications and Systems (Fabio Solari, et al.)

    By exploiting the low cost computational power of off the shell computing devices, Machine Vision is not limited any more to industrial environments, but it is now pervasive to support system solutions of everyday life problems.

  • Machine Vision: Automated Visual Inspection and Robot Vision

    This book provides an introduction to the fundamental principles of Machine Vision for students. Emphasis is laid on providing the reader with a solid grounding in the basic tools for image acquisition, processing and analysis.

  • Digital Image Processing (Gholamreza Anbarjafari)

    This e-course is designed to give the people who are interested in image processing the fundamental concepts in digital image processing with emphasis in sampling, quantization, interpolation, filtering, and spatial domain enhancement.

  • Image Processing in C, 2nd Edition (Dwayne Philipps)

    This book is a tutorial on image processing. Each chapter explains basic concepts with words and figures, shows image processing results with photographs, and implements the operations in C.

  • Genetic and Evolutionary Computation for Image Processing

    Image analysis and processing is steadily gaining relevance within the large number of application fields to which genetic and evolutionary computation (GEC) techniques are applied. This book is the first attempt to offer a panoramic view on the field.

  • Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging (Avinash C. Kak)

    A comprehensive, tutorial-style introduction to the algorithms for reconstructing cross-sectional images from projection data and contains a complete overview of the engineering and signal processing algorithms necessary for tomographic imaging.

  • Natural Image Statistics in Digital Image Forensics (Siwei Lyu)

    This book provides the first general framework, based on universal statistical properties of natural images, of detecting tampering and authenticating digital images that has been successfully applied to three problems in digital image forensics.

  • Spatial Augmented Reality: Merging Real and Virtual Worlds

    It discusses spatial augmented reality approaches that exploit optical elements, video projectors, holograms, radio frequency tags, and tracking technology, as well as interactive rendering algorithms and calibration techniques in order to embed synthetic supplements into the real environment or into a live video of the real environment.

  • Document Image Analysis (Lawrence O'Gorman, et al.)

    This book describes some of the technical methods and systems used for document processing of text and graphics images. The methods have grown out of the fields of digital signal processing, digital image processing, and pattern recognition.

  • The Future of Machine Intelligence (David Beyer)

    This exclusive report unpacks concepts and innovations that represent the frontiers of ever-smarter machines. You'll get a rare glimpse into this exciting field through the eyes of some of its leading minds.

  • Intelligent Vision Systems for Industry (Bruce G. Batchelor, et al)

    Beginning with an introductory chapter on the basic concepts, the authors develop these ideas to describe intelligent imaging techniques for use in a new generation of industrial imaging systems.

  • Natural Image Statistics in Digital Image Forensics (Siwei Lyu)

    This book provides the first general framework, based on universal statistical properties of natural images, of detecting tampering and authenticating digital images that has been successfully applied to three problems in digital image forensics.

  • A Companion to Digital Humanities (Susan Schreibman, et al)

    This book is focusing on the experience of particular disciplines in applying computational methods to humanities research problems; the basic principles of humanities computing across applications and disciplines; specific applications and methods; and production, dissemination, and archiving.

  • Natural Image Statistics: A Probabilistic Approach (A. Hyvarinen)

    This book is both an introductory textbook and a research monograph on modelling the statistical structure of natural images. The statistical structure is described using a number of statistical models whose parameters are estimated from image samples.

  • Visualization Toolkit: An Object-Oriented Approach to 3D Graphics

    This book is the official reference guide for VTK - the theory and practice of visualization using the VTK Visualization Toolkit software. It provides thorough descriptions of important visualization algorithms, including example images and code.

  • Introduction to Programming for Image Analysis with VTK

    Provide sufficient introductory material for engineering graduate students with background in programming in C and C++ to acquire the skills to leverage modern open source toolkits in medical image analysis and visualization.

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