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Exploring Discrete Dynamics
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  • Title Exploring Discrete Dynamics
  • Author(s) Andrew Wuensche
  • Publisher: Luniver Press; Revised edition (June 15, 2016)
  • Hardcover/Paperback 578 pages
  • eBook PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10/ASIN: 1905986475
  • ISBN-13: 978-1905986477
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Book Description

EXPLORING DISCRETE DYNAMICS is a comprehensive guide to studying cellular automata and discrete dynamical networks with the classic software Discrete Dynamics Laboratory (DDLab), widely used in research and education.

These collective networks are at the core of complexity and emergent self-organisation. With interactive graphics, DDLab is able to explore an huge diversity of behaviour -- mostly terra incognita -- space-time patterns, but also basins of attraction, mathematical objects representing the convergent flow in state-space. Applications range within physics, mathematics, biology, cognition, society, economics and computation, and more specifically in neural and genetic networks, artificial life, and a theory of memory.

Applications range within physics, mathematics, biology, cognition, society, economics and computation, and more specifically in neural and genetic networks, artificial life, and theories of memory. This second edition covers many new features.

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