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Fast Fourier Transforms
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  • Title: Fast Fourier Transforms
  • Author(s) C. Sidney Burrus
  • Publisher: Samurai Media Limited (2018); eBook (Creative Commons Licensed by Rice University)
  • License(s): Creative Commons License (CC)
  • Hardcover/Paperback: 252 pages
  • eBook: HTML and PDF, ePub, Kindle, etc.
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 988840752X
  • ISBN-13: 978-9888407521
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Book Description

This book focuses on the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), discrete convolution, and, particularly, the fast algorithms to calculate them. These topics have been at the center of digital signal processing since its beginning, and new results in hardware, theory and applications continue to keep them important and exciting.

It uses an index map, a polynomial decomposition, an operator factorization, and a conversion to a filter to develop a very general and efficient description of fast algorithms to calculate the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). The work of Winograd is outlined, chapters by Selesnick, Pueschel, and Johnson are included, and computer programs are provided.

About the Authors
  • C. Sidney Burrus received the PhD degree from Stanford University in 1965 after which he joined the faculty at Rice University where he is now Research Professor in ECE,
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