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A Functional Pattern System for Object-Oriented Design
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  • Title A Functional Pattern System for Object-Oriented Design
  • Authors Thomas Kuhne
  • Publisher: Kovac (1999)
  • Paperback 328 pages
  • eBook Online, PDF, 346 pages, 2.1 MB
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 3860647709
  • ISBN-13: 978-3860647707
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Book Description

Design patterns inspired by functional programming concepts can advance object-oriented design. This book promotes the idea that concepts from the world of functional programming can be captured with design pattern descriptions. These can then be used to benefit from functional programming concepts with ordinary object-oriented languages. The functional patterns are evaluated for their impact on language design and a new approach to a dual-paradigm language is presented.

The book object-oriented language Eiffel in order to depict object-oriented concepts.

About the Authors
  • N/A
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