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GPU Gems: Programming Techniques, Tips and Tricks for Real-Time Graphics
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  • Title: GPU Gems: Programming Techniques, Tips and Tricks for Real-Time Graphics
  • Author(s) Randima Fernando
  • Publisher: Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional (March 13, 2005)
  • Hardcover: 880 pages
  • eBook: HTML and PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0321335597
  • ISBN-13:978-0321515261
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Book Description

The GPU Gems series features a collection of the most essential algorithms required by Next-Generation 3D Engines.

GPU Gems is a compilation of articles covering practical real-time graphics techniques arising from the research and practice of cutting edge developers. It focuses on the programmable graphics pipeline available in today's graphics processing units (GPUs) and highlights quick and dirty tricks used by leading developers, as well as fundamental, performance-conscious techniques for creating advanced visual effects.

The contributors and editors, collectively, bring countless years of experience to enlighten and propel the reader into the fascinating world of programmable real-time graphics.

Major topics covered include:

  • Natural effects
  • Lighting and shadows
  • Materials
  • Image processing
  • Performance and practicalities
  • Beyond triangles

The book includes product-oriented case studies, previously unpublished state-of-the-art research, comprehensive tutorials, and extensive code samples and demos throughout.

About the Authors
  • Randima (Randy) Fernando is Manager of Developer Education at NVIDIA.
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