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- Title: Greedy Algorithms
- Author(s) Witold Bednorz
- Publisher: IN-TECH (January 2008); eBook (Creative Commons Licensed)
- License(s): Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
- Hardcover: 586 pages
- eBook: PDF
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: N/A
- ISBN-13: 978-953-7619-27-5 (978-6190008705)
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Book Description
This book covers fundamental, theoretical topics as well as advanced, practical applications of Greedy Algorithms.
Each chapter comprises a separate study on some optimization problem giving both an introductory look into the theory the problem comes from and some new developments invented by author(s). Usually some elementary knowledge is assumed, yet all the required facts are quoted mostly in examples, remarks or theorems.
About the Authors- N/A