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Linux Administration Made Easy
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  • Title Linux Administration Made Easy
  • Author(s) Steve Frampton
  • Publisher: Linux Documentation Project
  • Hardcover/Paperback: 132 pages
  • eBook: HTML
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0595154824
  • ISBN-13: 978-0595154821
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Book Description

This book attempts to describe day-to-day administration and maintenance issues commonly faced by Linux system administrators. It summarizes the installation and configuration, as well as the day-to-day administrative and maintenance procedures that should be followed to keep a Linux-based server or desktop system up and running. It is geared to an audience of both corporate as well as home users.

It is not intended to be a full overview of Unix operations, as there are several good texts available as well as on-line documentation that can be referred to in cases where more detailed information is required.

In general, your Linux system can operate with a minimum of user maintenance. Routine tasks, such as rotating and discarding of system logs, are automated. Therefore, for the most part, even with very little user intervention, Linux will hum along doing its job. However, in cases of custom needs or system failure this documentation may prove useful.

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