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Machine Learning for Designers
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  • Title Machine Learning for Designers
  • Author(s) Patrick Hebron
  • Publisher: O'Reilly Media Inc. (June 09, 2016)
  • Hardcover/Paperback N/A
  • eBook PDF, ePub, and Kindle (Mobi)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: 978-1491956205
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Book Description

Machine learning is no longer just a tool for data scientists. By taking advantage of recent advances in this technology, UI and UX designers can find ways to better engage with and understand their users. This O'Reilly report not only introduces you to contemporary machine learning systems, but also provides a conceptual framework to help you integrate machine-learning capabilities into your user-facing designs.

Using tangible, real-world examples, author Patrick Hebron explains how machine-learning applications can affect the way you design websites, mobile applications, and other software. You’ll learn how recent advancements in machine learning can radically enhance software capabilities through natural language processing, image recognition, content personalization, and behavior prediction.

  • Leverage machine-generated user insights to provide a more personalized customer or user experience
  • Spot opportunities for the integration of machine-learning capabilities into existing designs and platforms
  • Choose the right machine-learning platforms or services
  • Design for the probabilistic and often imprecise nature of machine-generated data
  • Stay up to date with advancements in the field and spot emerging opportunities for machine learning-aided design
About the Authors
  • Patrick Hebron is a Scientist-in-Residence and Adjunct Graduate Professor at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program. His research relates to the development of machine-learning-enhanced digital design tools. He is the creator of Foil, a next-generation design and programming environment that aims to extend the creative reach of its user through the assistive capacities of machine learning. Patrick has worked as a software developer and design consultant for numerous corporate and cultural institution clients including Google, Oracle, Guggenheim / BMW Labs and the Edward M. Kennedy Institute.
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