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Hands-On System Programming with C++
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  • Title: Hands-On System Programming with C++: Build Performant and Concurrent Unix and Linux Systems with C++17
  • Author(s) Dr. Rian Quinn
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing (December 26, 2018); eBook (Free Edition)
  • Permission: Free eBook by the Publisher (Packt)
  • Paperback: 522 pages
  • eBook: HTML
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1789137888
  • ISBN-13: 978-1789137880
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Book Description

C++ is a general-purpose programming language with a bias toward system programming as it provides ready access to hardware-level resources, efficient compilation, and a versatile approach to higher-level abstractions.

This book will help you understand the benefits of system programming with C++17. You will gain a firm understanding of various C, C++, and POSIX standards, as well as their respective system types for both C++ and POSIX.

After a brief refresher on C++, Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII), and the new C++ Guideline Support Library (GSL), you will learn to program Linux and Unix systems along with process management. As you progress through the chapters, you will become acquainted with C++'s support for IO.

You will then study various memory management methods, including a chapter on allocators and how they benefit system programming. You will also explore how to program file input and output and learn about POSIX sockets. This book will help you get to grips with safely setting up a UDP and TCP server/client.

Finally, you will be guided through Unix time interfaces, multithreading, and error handling with C++ exceptions. By the end of this book, you will be comfortable with using C++ to program high-quality systems.

  • Write system-level code leveraging C++17
  • Learn the internals of the Linux Application Binary Interface (ABI) and apply it to system programming
  • Explore C++ concurrency to take advantage of server-level constructs
About the Authors
  • Dr. Rian Quinn is a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) in the Advanced Technologies Business Unit at Assured Information Security, Inc. focused on trusted computing, hypervisor related technologies, machine learning/artificial intelligence, and cyber security for more than 10 years and has 9 years of technical management and business development experience. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, specializations in information assurance and computer architectures, from Binghamton University.
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