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Modern Robotics with OpenCV
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  • Title: Modern Robotics with OpenCV
  • Author(s) Widodo Budiharto
  • Publisher: Science Publishing Group (April, 2014); eBook (Creative Commons Licensed)
  • License(s): CC BY-NC 3.0
  • Paperback: 219 pages
  • eBook: PDF (232 pages)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-940366-12-8
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Book Description

How to use a Robot with Computer Vision in order to perform complex tasks, interacting with the surrounding environment, using a distributed system with several software communicating each others and exchanging data across the network.

Robotics is an interesting topic today. This book is written to provide an introduction to intelligent robotics using OpenCV. It is intended for a first course in robot vision and covers modeling and implementation of intelligent robot.

With over 500 functions that span many areas in vision, OpenCV is used for commercial applications such as security, medical imaging, pattern and face recognition, robotics, and factory product inspection. This book gives you a firm grounding in computer vision and OpenCV for building simple or sophisticated Robotics applications.

The need for this textbook arose from teaching robotics to student and hobbyist for many years and facing the difficulty to provide excellent book to explain advanced technology in intelligent robotics and kinematics of the robot.

  • Its content is consisting of many implementations of mobile robot and manipulator using OpenCV.
  • Using newest technology in Microcontroller such as Propeller Microcontroller for robotics.
  • Its content is consisting of introduction and implementation of OpenCV described clearly.
About the Authors
  • Dr. Widodo Budiharto is a senior lecturer and researcher at School of Computer Science Binus University, Jakarta-Indonesia.
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