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Set Theory: An Open Introduction
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  • Title Set Theory: An Open Introduction
  • Author(s) Richard Zach
  • Publisher: Open Logic Project
  • License(s): CC BY 4.0
  • Paperback 260 pages
  • eBook HTML and PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10/ASIN: B09KN65FFQ
  • ISBN-13: 979-8753831101
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Book Description

This book is a brief introduction to the philosophy of set theory. It is written for students with a little background in logic, and some high school mathematics, aims to scratch the tip of the surface of the philosophy of set theory. By the end of this book, students reading it might have a sense of:

  • why set theory came about;
  • how to reduce large swathes of mathematics to set theory + arithmetic;
  • how to embed arithmetic in set theory;
  • what the cumulative iterative conception of set amounts to;
  • how one might try to justify the axioms of ZFC.
About the Authors
  • Richard Zach is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Calgary, Canada. He works in logic, history of analytic philosophy, and the philosophy of mathematics.
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