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Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work
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  • Title: Waking Up: Freeing Ourselves From Work
  • Author(s) Pamela Satterwhite
  • Publisher: Humming Words (January 1, 2009)
  • License(s): Creative Commons License (CC)
  • Hardcover/Paperback: 272 pages
  • eBook: HTML, PDF, ePub, Kindle, etc.
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10/ASIN: 0964946513
  • ISBN-13: 978-0964946514
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Book Description

This book explains how we came to be servants of an economic system, rather than the other way around. It proposes a theory of wholism for critiquing the present reality and envisioning the world we want, and then suggests concrete actions to help us get there.

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