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O'Reilly® The Web Programming CD Bookshelf Version 1.0: 6 Bestselling Books on CD-ROM ©2003
PHP Best Practices: A short, practical guide for common and confusing PHP tasks ©2012 (Alex Cabal)
PHP: The Right Way ©2012 (Josh Lockhart) Practical PHP Programming ©2003-2009 (Paul Hudson)
Doctrine ORM for PHP ©2010 (Jonathan H. Wage, Konsta Vesterinen)
PHP Essentials ©2010 (Neil Smyth) PHP Manual (Mehdi Achour, et al)
The Web Book: the Ultimate Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL ©2010
The Oracle PHP Cookbook ©2009 (John Alphonse, Justin Kestelyn)
Super Awesome Advanced CakePHP Tips ©2009 (Matt Curry)
Zend Framework: Surviving The Deep End ©2009 (Pádraic Brady)
RESTful PHP Web Services ©2008 (Samisa Abeysinghe)
PHP Reference: Beginner to Intermediate PHP5 ©2008 (Mario Lurig) 163 pages
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O'Reilly® PHP Cookbook ©2003-2008 (David Sklar, Adam Trachtenberg)
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O'Reilly® Web Database Applications with PHP & MySQL ©2002 (Hugh E. Williams, David Lane) Book Review
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