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Acceptance Test Engineering Guidance, Volume 1: Thinking
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  • Title Acceptance Test Engineering Guidance, Volume 1: Thinking
  • Author(s) Grigori Melnik, Gerard Meszaros
  • Publisher: Microsoft Press (Oct 26 2009 )
  • Paperback 248 pages
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

This volume provides an overview of the acceptance process and how acceptance testing and other key practices fit into the process. It is subdivided into three main parts:

  • Part I Thinking about Acceptance explains six mental models that are useful when thinking about the acceptance process.
  • Part II Perspectives on Acceptance describes the acceptance process from the perspectives of key stakeholders in two different kinds of organizations: the Information Technology Department in a business and the Product Development Company. Most readers involved in the acceptance process should find some commonality with at least one of the roles describes.
  • Part III Accepting Software introduces the practices that are necessary for planning the acceptance process, for performing acceptance testing and for improving the acceptance process.

About the Authors
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