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Handbook of Software Engineering Methods
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  • Title: Handbook of Software Engineering Methods
  • Author(s) Lara Letaw
  • Publisher: Oregon State University (March 28, 2022); eBook (Creative Commons Licensed)
  • License(s): CC BY-NC 4.0
  • eBook: HTML and PDF (121 pages)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

Software engineering is the art and science of using different methods to efficiently create extensible, sustainable programs that solve problems people care about.

This book is about software engineering methods: Ways people achieve specific objectives in software engineering - that can save your project. My hope is that, after reading this book (or parts of it), you'll feel better equipped for software engineering.

It demystifies the software engineering methodologies and techniques that professional developers use to design and build robust, efficient, and consistently reliable software.

About the Authors
  • Lara Letaw ia an Instructor and Inclusive Software Design Researcher at Oregon State University.
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