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Algorithms and Data Structures With Applications to Graphics and Geometry
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  • Title Algorithms and Data Structures With Applications to Graphics and Geometry
  • Author(s) Jurg Nievergelt, Klaus Hinrichs
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall (August 1992); eBook (Creative Commons Licensed, 2011)
  • License(s): CC BY 3.0
  • Paperback 336 pages
  • eBook PDF (371 Pages)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0134894286
  • ISBN-13: 978-0134894287
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Book Description

An introductory coverage of algorithms and data structures with application to graphics and geometry.

Based on the authors' extensive teaching of algorithms and data structures, this text aims to show a sample of the intellectual demands required by a computer science curriculum, and to present issues and results of lasting value, ideas that will outlive the current generation of computers. Sample exercises, many with solutions, are included throughout the book.

About the Authors
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