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- Title CentOS Essentials
- Author(s) Neil Smyth
- Publisher: Payload Media (December 11, 2019); eBook (Techotopia)
- Hardcover/Paperback: 260 pages
- eBook HTML
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1951442091
- ISBN-13: 978-1951442095
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CentOS Essentials is a book designed to provide detailed information on the use and administration of the CentOS Linux distribution. For beginners, the book covers the basics of configuring the desktop environment, resolving screen resolution issues and configuring the email client to send and receive email messages via web based services such as GMail.
Installation topics such as dual booting with Microsoft Windows and configuring wireless networking are covered together with all important security topics such as configuring a firewall.
For the experienced user, topics such as configuring email and web servers, Xen and KVM virtualization, Secure Shell (SSH), remote desktop access and file sharing are covered in detail to provide a thorough overview of this enterprise class operating system.
About the Authors- Neil Smyth is a Vice President, North American Operations at Imperial Software Technology. He has written over 20 "Essentials" technical books. Neil Smyth lives in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area

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Rocky Linux 9 Essentials (Neil Smyth)
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