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Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery
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  • Title: Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery
  • Author(s) Kenneth P. Bogart
  • Publisher: CreateSpace (December 14, 2017); eBook (GNU Free Documentation Licensed)
  • License(s): GNU Free Documentation License
  • Hardcover/Paperback: 220 pages
  • eBook: HTML, PDF (220 pages), ePub, Kindle, Text, Daisy, Divu, etc.
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1981746595
  • ISBN-13: 978-1981746590
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Book Description

This book is an introduction to combinatorial mathematics, also known as combinatorics. The book focuses especially but not exclusively on the part of combinatorics that mathematicians refer to as 'counting'.

The book consists almost entirely of problems. Some of the problems are designed to lead you to think about a concept, others are designed to help you figure out a concept and state a theorem about it, while still others ask you to prove the theorem.

Other problems give you a chance to use a theorem you have proved. From time to time there is a discussion that pulls together some of the things you have learned or introduces a new idea for you to work with. Many of the problems are designed to build up your intuition for how combinatorial mathematics works.

There are problems that some people will solve quickly, and there are problems that will take days of thought for everyone. Probably the best way to use this book is to work on a problem until you feel you are not making progress and then go on to the next one.

The content of the published version is nearly identical to the 2004 release, save for a few typographical corrections.

About the Authors
  • Kenneth P. Bogart was an American mathematician known for his work on preference structures and for his textbook on combinatorics. He was a professor at Dartmouth College. Before his death in 2005, Ken Bogart was in the final stages of completing an NSF-sponsored project about the teaching of combinatorics through Guided Discovery.
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