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- Title: DOM Enlightenment
- Author(s) Cody Lindley
- Publisher: (2012)
- Paperback: N/A
- eBook: HTML and PDF
- Language: English
- ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description
This book explories the relationship between JavaScript and the modern HTML DOM.
This book is not an exhaustive reference on DOM scripting or JavaScript. It may, however, be the most exhaustive book written about DOM scripting without the use of a library/framework. The lack of authorship around this topic is not without good reason. Most technical authors are not willing to wrangle this topic because of the differences that exist among legacy browsers and their implementations of the DOM specifications (or lack thereof).
About the Authors- Cody Lindley, a principal front-end architect with TandemSeven, has 13 years professional experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, and client-side performance techniques. When he's not wielding client-side code, he's toying with interface/interaction design and speaking at various conferences.