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Getting Started with DB2 Application Development
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  • Title Getting Started with DB2 Application Development - Ideal for Application Developers and Administrators
  • Author(s) Raul F. Chong, Xiqiang Ji, Priyanka Joshi, Vineet Mishra, Min Wei Yao
  • Publisher: IBM Corporation, First Edition (October 2010)
  • eBook PDF, 378 pages, 5.01 MB
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

This book is intended for anyone who works with or intends to work with databases, such as database administrators (DBAs), application developers, consultants, software architects, product managers, instructors, and students.

Getting started with DB2 application development couldn't be easier. Read this free ebook to:

  • Discover DB2® application development using DB2 Express-C
  • Write SQL, XQuery, and understand pureXML® technology
  • Learn how to develop DB2 stored procedures, functions and data Web services
  • Work with DB2 and Java, C/C++, .NET, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Perl, and Python
  • Troubleshoot DB2 database-related problems
  • Practice using hands-on exercises

About the Authors
  • Raul F. Chong is the DB2 on Campus Program Manager at the IBM Toronto Lab..

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