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PIC Microcontrollers - Programming in C
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  • Title PIC Microcontrollers - Programming in C
  • Author(s) Milan Verle
  • Publisher: mikroElektronika; 1st edition (2009)
  • Paperback: 336 pages
  • eBook: HTML and PDF
  • Language: English and Spanish
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: 978-8684417178
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Book Description

This book is the perfect for entry into this world for engineers who have not worked with PICs, new professionals, students, and hobbyists. As MCUs become more complex C is the most popular language due to its ability to process advanced processes and multitasking. RTOSs, that is a need to know for engineers, is also discussed as more advanced MCUs require timing and organization of programming and implementation of multitasking.

What are microcontrollers, anyway Electronics built in one single chip capable of controlling a small submarine, a crane or an elevator. It's up to you to decide what you want them to do and dump a program containing appropriate instructions into the chip.

PIC Microcontrollers are present in almost every new electronic application that is released from garage door openers to the iPhone. With the proliferation of this product more and more engineers and engineers-to-be (students) need to understand how to design, develop, and build with them. Martin Bates, best-selling author, has provided a step-by-step guide to programming these microcontrollers (MCUs) with the C programming language.

On the other hand, the microcontroller is designed to be all of that in one. No other specialized external components are needed for its application because all necessary circuits which otherwise belong to peripherals are already built in it. It saves time and space needed to design a device.

About the Authors
  • N/A
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