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- Title: Sage Tutorial
- Author(s) William Stein
- Publisher: CreateSpace (May 1, 2008); eBook (Sage Foundation; Creative Commons Licensed)
- License(s): CC BY-SA 3.0
- Hardcover/Paperback: 116 pages
- eBook: HTML and PDF
- Language(s): English
- ISBN-10/ASIN: 1438214197
- ISBN-13: 978-1438214191
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This tutorial is the best way to become familiar with SageMath in only a few hours.
This is a tutorial explaining how to use the free and open source mathematical software package Sage. Sage and this can be downloaded free from the website: Copyright: (c) 2014 Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0. Royalties go directly to the Sage Foundation.
About the Authors- William Stein: Mathematics Professor at the University of Washington in Seattle
- Mathematical and Computational Software
- Computational and Algorithmic Mathematics
- Elementry and High School Mathematics
- Algebra, Abstract Algebra, and Linear Algebra
- Number Theory
Discrete Mathematics with SageMath: Learn Math with Software
This book is intended to provide concise and complete instructions on how to use different SageMath functions to solve problems in Discrete Mathematics. The goal is to streamline the learning process, helping students focus more on mathematics.
Computational Mathematics with SageMath (Paul Zimmermann)
This book is about how to use SageMath for learning and doing mathematics, filled with many carefully thought through examples and exercises, and great care has been taken to put computational functionality into proper mathematical context.
SageMath for Undergraduates (Gregory V. Bard)
This book is a gentle introduction to SageMath for undergraduate students toward the end of Calculus or higher-level course work such as Multivariate Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, or Math Modeling.
SageMath Tutorial (William Stein)
This tutorial is the best way to become familiar with SageMath in only a few hours. It explains how to use the free and open source mathematical software package Sage. Both binaries and source code are available for SageMath from the download page.
Number Theory: In Context and Interactive, using SageMath
This is a textbook for an upper-level number theory course, with a clear vision to expose students to the connections to all areas of mathematics, and nearly every concept can be visualized or experimented with using the mathematics software SageMath.
Elementary Number Theory using SageMath (William Stein)
This is a book about prime numbers, congruences, secret messages, and elliptic curves that you can read cover to cover. Many numerical examples are given throughout the book using the SageMath mathematical software.
Explorations in Algebraic Graph Theory with SageMath
This book aims to express properties of graphs in algebraic terms, then to deduce theorems about them. It tackles the applications of linear algebra and matrix theory to the study of graphs; algebraic constructions such as adjacency matrix, using the SageMath.
Algorithmic Graph Theory using SageMath (David Joyner, et al)
This is an introductory book on algorithmic graph theory. Theory and algorithms are illustrated using the SageMath open source mathematics software. It's especially suitable for computer scientists and mathematicians interested in computational complexity.