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Social Networks with Rich Edge Semantics
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  • Title: Social Networks with Rich Edge Semantics
  • Author(s) Quan Zheng, David Skillicorn
  • Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (June 30, 2020); eBook (Creative Commons Licensed)
  • License(s): Creative Commons License (CC)
  • Paperback: 210 pages
  • eBook: PDF and Read Online
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0367573253
  • ISBN-13: 978-0367573256
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Book Description

This book introduces a new mechanism for representing social networks in which pairwise relationships can be drawn from a range of realistic possibilities, including different types of relationships, different strengths in the directions of a pair, positive and negative relationships, and relationships whose intensities change with time.

For each possibility, the book shows how to model the social network using spectral embedding. It also shows how to compose the techniques so that multiple edge semantics can be modeled together, and the modeling techniques are then applied to a range of datasets.

About the Authors
  • Dr. Quan Zheng got his Ph.D. is in the School of Computing from Queen’s University. His research interests are in data mining and behavior analysis, particularly social network modeling and graph-based data analysis.
  • David Skillicorn is a professor in the School of Computing at Queen's University.
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