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Introduction to Java, Basic and Core Java
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The Free Java Book ©2011 (Daniel L. Schuster) Java Fundamentals ©2008 (Gary Marrer)
Java: Learning to Program with Robots ©2006 (Byron Weber Becker)
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java, Third Edition ©2012 (Clifford A. Shaffer)
The Java Tutorial: A Short Course on the Basics ©2000-2011 (Sharon Zakhour, et al) 672 pages
Java Web Programming with Eclipse ©2009-2010 (David Turner, Jinseok Chae)
Introduction to Programming Using JAVA ©1996-2010 (David J. Eck)
Java: Graphical User Interfaces - An Introduction to Java Programming ©2009 (David Etheridge)
A Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java ©2010 (Clifford A. Shaffer)
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: JAVA Programming ©2009 (Allen B. Downey)
SCJP: Sun Certified Programmer for Java Platform Study Guide: SE6 (Exam CX-310-065) ©2009
Introduction to Java and Object Oriented Programming for Web Applications ©2009 (Alvin J. Alexander)
Object-oriented Programming in Java ©2008 (Richard L. Halterman)
A Programmer's Guide to Java SCJP Certification: A Comprehensive Primer (3rd Edition) ©2008
SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Exam 310-065 ©2008 (Katherine Sierra, Bert Bates)
Introduction to Programming in Java: An Interdisciplinary Approach ©2007 (Robert Sedgewick, et al)
Java Structures: Data Structures in Java for the Principled Programmer ©2002-2007 (Duane A. Bailey)
Java for the Beginning Programmer ©2006 (Jeff Heaton)
JavaTech, an Introduction to Scientific and Technical Computing with Java ©2005 (Clark S. Lindsey, et al)
Introduction to Computer Science Using Java ©2003-2006 (Bradley Kjell) [Mirror] [Mirror] [Mirror] [Mirror]
Sams Teach Yourself Java 2 in 24 Hours ©2002 (Rogers Cadenhead)
Thinking in Java, 3rd Edition, Revision 4.0 (Bruce Eckel) 1119 pages
O'Reilly® The Java Reference Library CD Bookshelf, 5 Bestselling Books on CD-ROM ©1997
Java Basic ©2005-2007 (Fred Swartz ) Java Reference ©2005-2007 (Fred Swartz )
Brewing Java: A Tutorial ©2004-2006 (Elliotte Rusty Harold) Java Lecture Notes ©1997-2006 (Elliotte Rusty Harold)
The Java Course ©2005 (Allen B. Downey) Java Au Naturel ©2004 (W.C. Jones Jr)
Essentials of the Java Programming Language ©1999 (Monica Pawlan) [Part 2]
Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java (Bruno R. Preiss)
Sun Certified Java Programmer Pre-Exam Essentials ©1999-2002 (Dylan Walsh)
Interactive Programming In Java ©2004 (Lynn Andrea Stein) [Homepage]
Object-oriented Program Design and Software Engineering with Java (Dave Goddeau)
The Java Language Environment ©1996 (James Gosling, Henry McGilton)
Bleeding at the Keyboard: A Guide to Modern Programming with Java ©2002 (Gregory J. E. Rawlins)
Data Structures through Java ©2005 (Peter M Williams) Java Data Structures, 2nd Edition ©1996-2001 (Particle)
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