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Game Design Research
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  • Title: Game Design Research
  • Author(s) Petri Lankoski, Jussi Holopainen
  • Publisher: (2017); eBook (Carnegie Mellon University, 2017)
  • License(s): CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
  • Paperback 230 pages
  • eBook: PDF (230 pages)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: 978-1387408368
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Book Description

Game design aims to solve a design problem of "how do we create this specific game?" The main goal of this process is a game; new understanding about game development and game design is merely a by-product of that process

This book is to uncover new facts and insight about game design, design processes, or games as designed objects; that is, to gain new knowledge and understanding about game design.

Game Design research is an active academic field covering disciplines such as architecture, graphic, product, service, interaction, and systems design. Design research aims to understand not only the designed end products but also how design as an activity unfolds. The book demonstrates different approaches to design research in game design research.

Design research, or design studies as it is also called, has been gaining momentum as a field of academic inquiry since the beginning of 20th century. Originally, design research focused on design methods and processes but it has moved to cover more varied research questions related to design.

Current research topics include, for example, how to study design and what methods can be used to study design along with the more fundamental questions such as what is design in the first place and what kinds of knowledge design research produces.

About the Authors
  • Petri Lankoski, D.Arts, is an Associate Professor in Game Studies at the Sodertorn University, Sweden.
  • Dr Jussi Holopainen is a Research Associate, RMIT Europe. His research has focused on game design, playful design, and using games outside of leisure contexts. His latest work has examined playful and game design for positive behaviour change.
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