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Design Patterns of Successful Role-Playing Games
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  • Title: Design Patterns of Successful Role-Playing Games
  • Author(s) Whitson John Kirk III
  • Publisher: Internet Archive, 2013; eBook (Creative Commons Licensed)
  • License(s): CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
  • Paperback: N/A
  • eBook: PDF, ePub, Kindle, etc.
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

In a Role-Playing Games (RPG), users control a character, usually in the game's imaginary universe. This book contains patterns, both good and bad, gleaned from a study of many traditional and cutting-edge role-playing games. Game Summaries of the source materials are also included. The book is provided here in draft form to solicit feedback.

  • Good at explaining rules with minimal confusion/vagueness
  • Layout conducive to referencing or learning the rules

You know RPGs have something to do with nerds sitting around a table pretending to be elves and rolling funny dice, but the details are a little fuzzy.

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