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Grokking the GIMP: Advanced Techniques for Working With Digital Images
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  • Title Grokking the GIMP: Advanced Techniques for Working With Digital Images
  • Author(s) Carey Bunks
  • Publisher: New Riders (2000);
  • License(s): Open Publication License
  • Hardcover/Paperback 342 pages
  • eBook HTML
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0735709246
  • ISBN-13: 978-0735709249
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Book Description

This book is for the serious user of the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), a premiere digital image editing and painting program. It covers the GIMP in depth, and complex tasks are intuitively presented and explained using an interactive approach.

In addition to emphasizing the theory and core concepts of image manipulation, the book beautifully illustrates the practical aspects of working with digital images. This fully 4-color book presents nine major projects and a collection of many smaller ones that illustrate the core and advanced uses of this powerful open-source application.

Numbered steps and an abundance of color images walk the reader through real-world examples of color correction, image enhancement, collage, photo montage, rendering, and Web-graphics creation.

About the Authors
  • Olivier Lecarme is a professor emeritus in computer science at the University of Nice, France.
  • Karine Delvare is a web development consultant.
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