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Strain-Engineered MOSFETs
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  • Title: Strain-Engineered MOSFETs
  • Authors C.K. Maiti, T.K. Maiti
  • Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (October 3, 2018); eBook (Creative Commons Licensed)
  • License(s): Creative Commons License (CC)
  • Hardcover: 320 pages
  • eBook: PDF, ePub, and Read Online
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00OD4B0UI
  • ISBN-10: 1138075604
  • ISBN-13: 978-1138075603
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Book Description

This book brings together new developments in the area of strain-engineered MOSFETs using high-mibility substrates such as SIGe, strained-Si, germanium-on-insulator and III-V semiconductors into a single text which will cover the materials aspects, principles, and design of advanced devices, their fabrication and applications. The book presents a full TCAD methodology for strain-engineering in Si CMOS technology involving data flow from process simulation to systematic process variability simulation and generation of SPICE process compact models for manufacturing for yield optimization.

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