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Tap, Move, Shake: Turing Your Game Ideas into iPhone and iPad Apps
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  • Title: Tap, Move, Shake: Turing Your Game Ideas into iPhone and iPad Apps
  • Author(s) Todd Moore
  • Publisher: O'Reilly Media (October 22, 2011); eBook (Draft, updated July 5, 2011)
  • Paperback: 320 pages
  • eBook: HTML and PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10/ASIN: 1449303455
  • ISBN-13: 978-1449303457
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Book Description

This book is A Hands-on Guide to Creating Multi-touch Games with iPad and iPhone.

Got a good game idea? Turn your concept into a hot game app for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with this do-it-yourself guide. Tap, Move, Shake helps you build multitouch games that take full advantage of iOS 4, and shows you how to prepare your app for the App Store. Create your first game with just 20 lines of code, then learn how to add graphics, sound effects, and key game algorithms. This book helps you explore practical game examples for iOS devices.

About the Authors
  • Todd Moore is a software developer who founded TMSOFT to create unique smart phone applications and games. His most popular application, White Noise, was featured by Health Magazine, iTunes, The Washington Post, PC Magazine, and the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon show. Card Counter, his most popular game title was featured by the Engadget, LA Times, and CNET TV.
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